Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Oil painting with picsart- Tutorial

Hello guys,
Today i have come with a new tutorial of picsart. It is how to make a oil painting with picsart. However it will not look good like photoshop but it is very effective.


1. Open your image in picsart
2. Now open Effects tab.
3. Select cartoonizer.
4. Now save these settings:-
Mask 1: 0
Mask 2: 0
Magic 1: 120
Magic 2: 240
Magic 3: 6-12 (you can take any value between 6-12)

5. Now save these settings.
6. Apply effect.
7. Save this image and share.

Hope you all guys like this tutorial.
If you have any query feel free to comment. I am always ready to help you.
Help us share this trick to more and more people.

You may also like- How to create winter wonderland with picsart.


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